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12 Days of Christmas 2023

30 November 2023


General News
Alex Parker


Book your kit over the Christmas break and get all 12 days for the price of just 2!

The one you've been waiting for, our Christmas offer is now live! As the festive season rolls around once more, we're up to our usual tricks with a huge discount on Christmas hire rates. Book your kit over the Christmas break and get all 12 days for the price of just 2. Consider this a thank you for sticking with us through what has been a thoroughly testing and changeable year in the industry.

With strikes now over and productions restarting, 2024 promises to be huge for our many pro clients and production companies, as the work will come in thick and fast. With that in mind, there's never been a better time to take some new kit for a spin, dip a toe into a new camera system, or put a rig together with a view to streamlining your workflow next year.

The 12 Days of Christmas offer applies automatically to everything on the site, no messing around with discount codes, no hoops to jump through - we've blocked out the calendar so just drop items in your basket and away you go.

Over the coming days, we'll be highlighting some of the best kit we have to offer in a series of articles split by manufacturer, so if you've nailed your colours to the mast, keep 'em peeled for those.

It's a great time of year for kit hire - there are so many bargains to be had, and the changeable weather and early nights are the perfect conditions to get out there and get shooting!



Book your kit over the Christmas break and get all 12 days for the price of just 2!

The one you've been waiting for, our Christmas offer is now live! As the festive season rolls around once more, we're up to our usual tricks with a huge discount on Christmas hire rates. Book your kit over the Christmas break and get all 12 days for the price of just 2. Consider this a thank you for sticking with us through what has been a thoroughly testing and changeable year in the industry.

With strikes now over and productions restarting, 2024 promises to be huge for our many pro clients and production companies, as the work will come in thick and fast. With that in mind, there's never been a better time to take some new kit for a spin, dip a toe into a new camera system, or put a rig together with a view to streamlining your workflow next year.

The 12 Days of Christmas offer applies automatically to everything on the site, no messing around with discount codes, no hoops to jump through - we've blocked out the calendar so just drop items in your basket and away you go.

Over the coming days, we'll be highlighting some of the best kit we have to offer in a series of articles split by manufacturer, so if you've nailed your colours to the mast, keep 'em peeled for those.

It's a great time of year for kit hire - there are so many bargains to be had, and the changeable weather and early nights are the perfect conditions to get out there and get shooting!