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  1. Accessories
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  3. Filter Adaptors & Accessories
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  2. Filtration
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Hire Lee Filters Universal Lens Hood

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Lee Filters Universal Lens Hood for DSLRs, 35mm SLR and Medium Format Cameras. The Universal Hood is designed to suit the needs of most photographers. It works both as a simple lens shade, and in conjunction with filters. This hood can also be adapted to take the LEE 105mm Rotating Polariser, by using the 105mm Accessory Ring (see accessories).

The Universal Hood comes assembled with two filter slots, but can also be configured to take different filter combinations. It is ideal for shading wideangle lenses on DSLR, 35mm SLR and medium format cameras.

Description Quantity
Filter Pouch1
Rear Blade2
Filter Guide4
Long Screw (gold)4
Flat Head Screwdriver1
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